Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Healthcare Reform Continued

Ok, Obama said "We got to have the courage to be willing to change things." Aside from the grammar problems this it total hypocrisy. Obama and most fellow democrats are not willing to change. They blame the Republicans for the health care mess, but the whole problem with soaring health care costs can be blamed on excess liability for doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. Please Obama, listen to your own advice. We could insure everyone and lower the costs if you would just quit acting like you were smarter than those of us who know how to read. Bush may have been an idiot but at least he was to stupid to think he was smarter than everyone else. I think it should be illegal for attorneys to hold public office. This is the whole problem with congress and the president. They are all saving their "fall back" jobs suing everyone for millions for honest mistakes.

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