Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Enough Complaining (for now)

I am going to try another way to get the idea across that we need to address tort reform with the health care reform that is going to happen. I know many of us are not happy with what is happening but I am willing to bend if the other side will actually listen to reason. I have written letters to my legislators and I encourage everyone else to do the same. I also have included a link to send our President an email. If enough people ask for tort reform, maybe we'll get it. To keep the message simple, I haven't suggested putting dollar limits on damage awards. All I ask is for anyone who cares to please ask for a cap on punitive damage awards at 100% of actual and future damages. If your earning potential is 100k per year and you have 30 years left to work, then you should be awarded no more than 6 million bucks. I know that sounds harsh to some people but I end up paying for your 20 million dollar award. If you would like to send an email to Obama please use this link http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

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