Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Healthcare and Subaru

Ok, I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time discussing the newest proposal from the Senate Finance committee. The only thing I'm going to say is this. The Democrats are idiots. Unless they include liability limits in this bill it is going to turn into another social security type mess. There is no way to fund this without mortgaging our children's future. That said, I will get on-board to insure those who are un or under insured if they will do this. Even if they just said if you get government aid you can't sue the doctor if something goes wrong...anything to get the malpractice insurance to drop to a reasonable level.

Subaru drivers are at it again. Last week Subaru drivers narrowly won the award for the most idiots driving slow in the fast lane. They were almost nudged out by old men driving Cadillacs but on Saturday no less than 4 of them were driving slow in the left lane on the way to Salt Lake. This gave them the win. (It was after dark and the Cadillac drivers were most likely in bed.) If you drive a Subaru, please don't.

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