Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's discuss healthcare...again.

The House of Representatives went home without passing a health care bill (We can breath for a few days now) but Nancy Pelosi is spreading her poison again. She is pointing the finger at the the insurance companies and blaming them for the mess. Wake up Democrats. The reason our healthcare costs are so high is the fault of the litigious society we live in and the Democrats support that. Insurance companies are in business to make a profit, or at the very least break even. If we try to limit that, these companies will invest their cash somewhere else and the American people will be stuck holding the bill. WE cannot afford to keep increasing our deficit without some major changes to the way business is operated in this country. The good ol' USA is no longer the innovator we once were. This is because the risks are sometimes not worth the reward with the large settlements offered in lawsuits. Once again, I understand people wanting to be compensated for a mistake or a design flaw, but I don't think you should force a company out of business if it was an honest mistake. We are also forcing many of the best doctors to find other careers. This means that the quality of care is actually going down as a result of all the malpractice damages awarded. The hardest hit sectors seem to be specialties. Obstetricians in Beaver County Pensylvania have reported an increase in liability premiums over 150%. Most have decided to become gynecologists only so they don't have to pay the premiums. This means that there are fewer and fewer doctors out there to deliver babies. The average award has grown to over $1 million dollars. This doesn't seem like a huge amount, but only 5% of these cases were the result of death or permanent disability. Most are awards for pain and suffering. The actual damages were less than $250k on average. If we continue to allow these frivilous lawsuits, we are actually causing more consumer harm than we are helping.

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